
You have permission to check up on me...

Well now it's out there, I have to do it. It was a silly post really, I wrote it before I thought about it. Chantelle made me do it.

Here's what happened....

I logged in this morning, as I do every morning, and had a bit of a cruise around my favourite blogs. First stop, Fat Mum Slim. If you regularly read Chantelle's blog you'll know she seems wonderfully efficient already (if you don't regularly read Chantelle's blog you should start...) but this weekend Chantelle is putting a day aside to tick everything off her To Do List. Now I've been saying / bragging all week that I will spend this weekend ticking everything off my To Do List. Then I went and put it in writing on Fat Mum Slim. So I have to do it. And I am giving you all permission to check up on me on Tuesday.


  1. I will definitely come back and check up on you. and hope you'll do the same for me. x

  2. Seems like a good idea which I might brave or...maybe delay!

  3. I love a good de-clutter! I did the same thing over the weekend; I cleaned out my wardrobe and listed heaps on ebay, something that has been on my to-do-list for months! Did you keep your promise?!

  4. Why thank you for checking up on me - I can happily announce I ticked off nearly everything on my list. I can also (not so happily) announce that I have added more to my list today... Hmmm...

    Bec I run an eBay store and uploaded quite a bit to eBay as well so we must have been hitting all the same buttons!
