
Creating a Capsule Wardrobe - Step One

A capsule wardrobe is so important for so many reasons. Running your wardrobe as a 'capsule' lets you keep a handle on your most favourite and most worn pieces (and replace them when needed), it lets you budget for the season ahead and also lets you define your personal style.

I'll be doing a series of posts on creating a capsule wardrobe - let us see where it takes us.

First you need to choose your 'signature pieces'. These are pieces
  • you wear all the time
  • are on high rotation
  • that are (or need to be!) high quality
  • made of a great fabric or a great colour

These are pieces you love and really say something about your 'signature style'.

You should have at least 8 pieces and up to about 24 our depending on how extensive your want your capsule wardrobe. A small capsule wardrobe (packed for a trip for example) will have about 8 to 10 pieces. A capsule wardrobe for a defined period (weight loss or pregnancy for example) will have closer to 15 or 18 pieces. A full capsule wardrobe will usually have between 20 and 24 pieces.

Over time (and over the year) your capsule wardrobe will change slightly. Your favourite jeans may stay in the mix for each season every year. Your black flats will probably hang around while your black boots may be replaced by black gladiators as the weather warms up. For the moment I think we should focus forwards and aim to create a 'Spring Capsule Wardrobe'.

This is what I'll be helping you create at my styling workshops at The High Tea Party. It may seem a little early as we have just hit the cold patch. But this gives you a chance to incorporate some of the winter pieces you are currently wearing into your Spring Capsule Wardrobe and test the boundaries whilst slowing bringing in lighter pieces for spring and summer that will be here before you know it. This also gives you a chance to start researching 'your look' for the coming warmer months.

A good start might be looking at some Spring Capsule Wardrobes from the 'Spring Capsule Wardrobe Challenge'. A couple of fellow bloggers participated earlier this year - they are Europe and UK based so they were about 6 months early for us but we might be able to continue on where they left off.

Stay tuned...


Brisbane Styling Workshops - 5 & 6 June 2010

I've posted a couple of times about my involvement in The High Tea Party. But until now I haven't let you in on exactly what I will be doing at the event.

Over the two day event, held at the Stamford Plaza, I'll be presenting a number of styling workshops. These workshops will focus on creating a versatile and individual Spring Capsule Wardrobe.


Okay I've typed and deleted a couple of times now trying to find the right words to express the importance of a capsule wardrobe. I can't find them so I'm going to try a different angle...

Let's start with 'What is a Capsule Wardrobe?'

A 'capsule wardrobe' is a thought-out and planned collection of clothes where all items easily work together and are versatile for a number of occasions. It is not a cookie-cutter, stock standard, set number of basics. A capsule is made up of your 'signature pieces' worn to suit your lifestyle. It is best built by investing in high-end, quality items.

I'll follow on from here with a series of posts to explain the importance of a capsule wardrobe and why you shouldn't run your wardrobe any other way.

[frockwriter]: World's spot of bother in Woollahra

[frockwriter]: World's spot of bother in Woollahra

I've linked to this post for my lovely Kate - lovely Kate spends more time down this end of Oxford St than at her real job. I'm not going to put words in her mouth but I'm betting she will be outraged too.


Shoot - Sunday 16 May 2009

Just a couple of initial images - can you believe these shots haven't seen photoshop yet! I'll update again once Shaelah Ariotti (the photographer) has had her way with the images. That way you get to see the whole process - start to finish....

While you were sleeping...

I was at the Stamford putting together a shoot for The High Tea Party. I shouldn't say 'I' - I should say 'we' because I was working with a fantastic team. More photos to come...

Stylist: Lauren Sewell

Styling Assistant: Abbie Sewell

Photographer: Shaelah Ariotti

Hair and Makeup: Tracie Weaver (Arc Creative)

Models: Lauren Phillips and Samantha Cannon (Vivien's)

Wardrobe: Ruby and Frankie, James St


Bea Szenfeld

I would walk over my own mother (and grandmother) for the pink 'wrap'. Calling it a wrap does not even go close to giving it the recognition it deserves and the recognition Bea Szenfeld deserves...

I came across Bea's work while researching a shoot for this Sunday (more details to come...) - I'd really like to see more of it (particularly around my shoulders!). Shame is I can't see more of it because Bea's 'new webpage is coming soon'. It couldn't come soon enough!

To give you a little teaser and a bit more of an idea about how Bea works, I found this little quote- 'a piece of clothing designed by Bea Szenfeld should be beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside, since she believes one of the most effective methods of communication is through fashion'.

Coco's Tea Party

Coco's Tea Party

Coco is another blogger I log on to most mornings. Yesterday she did a wonderful post on Jessica Alba's shoot for Tatler. Since then I haven't been able to get the pastel colours out of my mind so I wanted to share it with you all.