
Bea Szenfeld

I would walk over my own mother (and grandmother) for the pink 'wrap'. Calling it a wrap does not even go close to giving it the recognition it deserves and the recognition Bea Szenfeld deserves...

I came across Bea's work while researching a shoot for this Sunday (more details to come...) - I'd really like to see more of it (particularly around my shoulders!). Shame is I can't see more of it because Bea's 'new webpage is coming soon'. It couldn't come soon enough!

To give you a little teaser and a bit more of an idea about how Bea works, I found this little quote- 'a piece of clothing designed by Bea Szenfeld should be beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside, since she believes one of the most effective methods of communication is through fashion'.

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